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On average, it takes 17 years for research to disseminate into clinical practice. You read that correctly. 17 years. Agile is committed to reducing that timeline for its therapists. This means that as a company we prioritize the education of our staff to ensure they are providing the most evidence-based and up-to-date care. It means that many of our staff are faculty or adjunct-faculty at the university, residency, and fellowship level. Finally, it means that we work hard to create a company culture that values career-long learning.

Agile knows that an up-to-date clinician provides better and more efficient care for patients. That’s why we offer physical therapy continuing education courses in Los Angeles. Here are some examples of how we foster an environment of learning and education with our PT CEU:

  • Substantial continuing education budget for our therapists, who are encouraged to attend courses across the country.
  • High attendance and participation by our staff in Los Angeles and national physical therapy conferences.
  • Hosting of Journal Clubs, where therapists can share, discuss, and critique new research in the physical therapy field.
  • Frequently sponsoring internationally renowned researchers and clinicians to lecture and teach our staff.
  • Company-wide distribution of a bi-monthly newsletter which discusses emerging evidence and best practice.
  • Hosting our own physical therapy continuing education courses in the Bay Area, where our therapists instruct both students and community therapists in a variety of Orthopaedic topics.
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Ortho Seminar Series

This is a 15 day seminar taught over five 3-day weekends.  The content is based on the Clinical Practice Guidelines put forth by the Academy of Orthopedic Physical Therapy and intended to instruct in the most common presentations in orthopedic physical therapy. Methods of instruction include asynchronous online material (pre-work) and in-person lecture and hands-on lab instruction. This foundational course is part of Agile PT's Orthopedic Residency Curriculum.

2024 Dates of the ortho seminars dates: 

Module #1 Lumbar, Pelvis Sept 27-29, 2024
Module #2 Hip, Knee, Ankle, Foot Oct 11-13, 2024
Module #3 Cervical, Cranial Nov 22-24, 2024
Module #4 Shoulder, Thorax Dec 6-8, 2024
Module #5 Elbow, Hand, Wrist Jan 17-19, 2025

Sign up here!

Continuing Education Lead
Mike Nelson

Mike Nelson, PT, DPT

Board Certified Clinical Specialist in Orthopaedic Physical Therapy Fellow, American Academy of Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapists

Clinical Sites

Sunnyvale Location (Sutter)

Palo Alto Location (Sutter)

San Carlos Location (Sutter)

San Mateo Location (Agile Physical Therapy)

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