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female athlete runners

Unique strides, enhanced capacity: Your run, your health, your peak performance.

Our mission: 

To unlock each athlete's full running potential by holistically assessing and addressing injury risks, and fostering lifelong relationships for enduring success. 

What we can do for you:

Each of our running specialists are up to date with the latest research and have been trained by the experts in running gait analysis. We will use cutting-edge technology to measure the strength of the most important muscles involved in running, and assess how those are functioning as you move through your gait cycle via video analysis. We take a whole-systems approach, looking at injury history, nutrition and sleep strategies, footwear, and your story as an athlete. Our goal is to optimize your training, aiming to keep you running longer, more economically, and with less injuries holding you back.

We are now offering both individual and team assessments for a comprehensive running analysis; no injury needed.

Group Assessment

Our team assessment is a quick screen of minimum recommended strength and range of motion for running, resulting in individualized recommendations for each runner. This is ideal for your team to identify areas of weakness to start the season with their best foot forward.

Schedule Today!

Schedule your state-of-the-art, individual, running assessment at Agile Physical Therapy today.

Get started Today

If looking for a running specialist, please click on one of the below bios to schedule. Please note our comprehensive run program, RunAgile, is only offered at our Palo Alto location.

Danielle Conway Littlehale
Danielle Conway Littlehale
Jamie Yang
Sydney Butler-Terry
Sydney Butler-Terry
Katie Monaghan
Katie Monaghan
athletic urinary incontinence

Individual Assessment: RunAgile

Early 2024 at our Palo Alto location, we launched our individual program, titled “RunAgile”. This running assessment is 1:1 with one of our highly skilled running therapists. During this two hour session, you and your therapist will review your run training history, assess your range of motion and footwear, and measure any asymmetries or deficiencies using the latest objective technology for measuring strength metrics via Vald technology. We will assess you as a whole athlete, and supply evidence based information. We are here to maximize your athleticism, by reviewing any areas in need of improvement, and developing a specialized exercise program tailored to you. We hope to develop a personal relationship in which we can be available to meet any running question that may arise. 

* Options are available to return for retesting to monitor your progress. *

Request a Running Appointment

  • What works best for you? (optional)

Group Assessment

Individual Assessment

Level of Analysis Basic Comprehensive 
Level of Runner Beginner to Elite Beginner to Elite
Strength Assessment using Vald technology
Range of Motion Assessment
Shoe Wear Analysis
Running Treadmill Analysis
Injury Prevention
Time 2 hours 2 hours
Components analyzed 5 strength, motion and movement analysis components Comprehensive strength, motion, movement analysis in addition to detailed review of running-related medical history
Price  $40/athlete, up to 10 athletes per session** $400/runner

Email to schedule! 

**If you have a group larger than 10 athletes or would like a different location than Agile Palo Alto, please include that in your scheduling inquiry

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